Cartography by Johnda Estep

Cartography by Johnda Estep


Storborg, the largest city in Eldingard, was the human capital of eastern Aeralon prior to the rise in power of High King Konungur Pwyll. After leading an army to victory against the Dragon Queen, Tyrathrax Eldreka, and her monstrous army, the High King declared his home city of Kongurheim, in Kjorgerdem, the new capital of the eastern lands. After this, Eldingard lost its high status among the kingdoms.

Despite losing much of its political power, the Star Mountains and the Arrow woods make Eldingard the largest producer of iron and lumber in Aeralon. So long as armies need armor and weapons, Eldingard will remain a wealthy and influential nation.

Notable areas of Eldingard include:

  • Arrow Woods: The forest is thick with vaelum trees which grow faster than any other deciduous hardwood and are excellent for making weapons and shields.

  • Baenum: A successful fishing village on the southern edge of Lake Hvalvain renowned for Muskie.

  • Bone Barrens: Southeast of the Quira Mountains is an area dense with perpetual thunderstorms, where thousands of lightning strikes per hour branch through the iron-saturated hills and mountains and forms a sea of naturally-occurring glass. Dozens of iron mines lie beneath the barrens, and a small contingent of storm giants harvest the glass for sale to Storborg.

  • Lake Hvalvain: Known for the whales drawn to it from the Bay of Blood.

  • Star Mountains: Named for the beautiful northwestern views of the night sky. The mountains offer inspiring vistas in the north, but their southern branch has a less serene light show. The high iron content draws thousands of lightning strikes each day, and with them a steady incursion of thunderstorms.

  • Wailing Woods: The honeycombed passes of the western Star Mountains cause winds to rush through the trees creating a constant wailing and moaning sound. Though there are those who believe the wails come from something far less natural.

Pronunciation Guide: (note- sl = sounds like)

Aeralon = AIR uh lawn

Baenum = BAY numb

Eldingard = el din GUARD

Hvalir = AVEL (sl gavel) ear

Kjorgerdem = CORE gur dim

Kongurheim = CON gur hame (sl name)

Konungur Pwyll = CON un gur pw-ILL (sl quill)

Tyrathrax Eldreka = teer ruh THRAX el DREK (sl trek) uh

Vaelum = VEIL um