Cartography by Johnda Estep

Cartography by Johnda Estep


Skuggar is now a land of perpetual shadow, home to countless undead, and littered with elven ruins, but it was not always so. It used to be the western most territory of Aglaranna, called Jjokeen, home to the kingdom’s largest port, Shebereth, housing an armada of elven ships, and dozens of merchant and fishing vessels. The territory was abandoned by the elves after the Kommakett Cataclysm and the end of a civil war between Aglaranna’s Queen Leadriell and the Hierophant of Vyre, Embellion, The Usurper.

The volcano erupted as the decades-long, civil war was at a stalemate in the Jjokeen territory. The volcano blasted lava over the Jjornekksa Plains, and spewed ash over half the massive country, from the western shore into what is present-day Wakan. With her entire kingdom suddenly at risk, Queen Leadriell summoned the Knights of Silvah Ah’Drajj and the great, silver wyrm, Verndarri, and ordered them to attack the enemy with extreme prejudice. It was a terrible thing to do to her own citizens, but it ended the war allowing the queen and her people to focus on finding ways to survive the catastrophe.

Embellion’s few, surviving forces were scattered throughout the devasted land. The elves who had once called the territory home had fled from the war, been killed in it, or died from Kommakett’s fury. The rest eked out a pitiful existence on what little they could forage through the winter, much of which was taken by marauding groups of ex-soldiers. As the seasons brightened over the rest of Aeralon, the west remained cloaked in ashen clouds. Only the barest amount of sunlight penetrated the skies over Jjokeen.

Embellion had fled before the Silvah Ah’Drajj with his lieutenants and members of the Vadlaeting Council who had backed his play for the throne. Realizing that starvation was inevitable, Embellion used the darkest arts to insure they would rise again as undead. They formed the Grim Council and now rule over Skuggar with a steel grip. Under ashen skies, they are always looking bitterly to the east and longing for revenge.

Places of interest:

Pronunciation Guide: (note- sl = sounds like)

Silvah Ah’Drajj = sil (sl still) VUH uh DRAW zh

Jjokeen = yo KEEN

Jjornekksa = yore-n (sl born) EKK suh

Kommakett = COMA ket (sl get)

Leadriell = lee ADD ree el

Shebereth = sheh BUH reth (sl breath)

Verndarri = vern (sl fern) DAR (sl car) ee

Vyre = sl fire