Cartography by Johnda Estep

Cartography by Johnda Estep


Varsheim is the homeland of the Jotunblod, a race created by the frost giants, with a mix of magic and human captives, to serve as slaves doing work the giants believed beneath them. A century ago, abuse and cruelty caused the Jotunblod to fight against their oppressors. They proved worthy adversaries and destroyed the giant’s southeast citadel, Suderheld. The battle pressed into the northwest corner of Aglaranna where elven armies took up the Jotunblod’s cause and helped them defeat the frost giants and gain their liberty.

Fighting beside one another created a kinship between Jotunblod and Aglaranna. For four decades, the Jotunblod lived scattered throughout elven territory. They befriended the elves, especially the ice elves, and found themselves treated with respect, and honor. They quickly began learning elven customs, magic, and engineering, and continued to fight beside elves to keep the frost giants out of Aglaranna.

The Elven Queen Franhalla summoned the Jotunblod commander, Daemi, and bequeathed the land now called Varsheim to the Jotunblod. She pronounced Daemi their ruler until such time their people could create their own government.

The Jotunblod are still learning from the elves, and more of them escape slavery and find their way to Varsheim each day. They are free and have a homeland now where they are in a constant state of flux between war with the frost giants and peace with the elves.

Noteworthy locations:

Pronunciation Guide: (note- sl = sounds like)

Daemi = DIE me

Franhalla = frawn (sl dawn) HALL uh

Jotunblod = YO ton blah-d

Suderheld = SEW dur held

Varsheim = VARS hame