Cartography by Johnda Estep

Cartography by Johnda Estep


The dwarven lands of Torrudheim are named after Torrud, the dwarven god of creation. The dwarven capital of Ravasthorg lies beneath the southeastern corner of the Kaederkist Mountains. While there are above ground dwarven settlements, most cities, towns, and villages in Torrudheim are inhabited by humans. Gnomes and halflings make up the remaining population.

Locations of interest include:

  • Anchor’s Home: With a population of around 350,000, the port city is the largest above ground settlement in Torrudheim.

  • Grimstone Mountains: Home to the Grimstone Orcs, a relatively peaceful tribe that shows little antagonism for their human neighbors. Unlike the other prominent orc tribe, the Longfangs, who are perpetually at war with Apogee and nearby human settlements.

  • Skarnmark Badlands: Where goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, and bugbears fight for territory both above and below ground. The frequent skirmishes and battles have left the land barren.

  • Skarnville: Proximity to the Skarnmark battlefields has made the villagers far more accepting of half-orc residents than many other settlements would be.

  • The Veiled Lands: Covered in perpetual mist and fog, superstitious locals steer clear of the land. Scholars say the mist is created because the area sits between the mountains and ocean and is somehow below sea level. Others claim it’s more magic than mist.

Pronunciation Guide: (note- sl = sounds like)

Apogee = a (sl bad) puh GEE (sl pudgy)

Fedrayia = fuh DRAY yuh

Frostmoor = FROST more

Skarnville = skarn (sl yarn) VILL

Skarnmark = SKARN (sl yarn) mark

Torrudheim = torrid HAME (sl name)